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Nestlé Sampling Terms
Product samples may be requested by Healthcare Professionals based in Australia only.  Samples are for individual/patient use only and are not for resale. Samples are limited to one (1) per household/patient (where a patient delivery address is provided). Nestlé reserves the right to limit sample quantities delivered to a healthcare professional or clinic.   Provision of samples is subject to availability and delivery time is estimated up to 20 working days.  Nestlé may change or cancel this sample program at any time.  

Personal information provided in this Sampling form will be used for the limited purpose of sample delivery and will be held in accordance with the Nestlé Privacy Policy which can be accessed here. This policy also contains details about how you can contact us about our use of your personal information, including how to access or correct it!

By requesting samples of ALFAMINO® formula, you acknowledge they will be provided to you as a health care professional under clause 7(d) of the Marketing In Australia of Infant Formula Agreement (MAIF Agreement) for the purpose of professional evaluation or research. Professional evaluation includes: analysis of products; trial preparation & mixing; and/or a thorough assessment of suitability for an infant (including acceptance by an infant when the parent has made an informed choice to use formula). An individual patient assessment should include a follow-up meeting with the parent. Samples should be kept out of view.

The Aim of the MAIF Agreement is ‘’to contribute to the provision of safe and adequate nutrition for infants, by the protection and promotion of breastfeeding and by ensuring the proper use of breast milk substitutes, when they are necessary, on the basis of adequate information and through appropriate marketing and distribution.” For the purpose of the Aim, ‘necessary’ includes parents who make an informed choice to use breast milk substitutes. Clause 7(d) of the MAIF Agreement provides that manufacturers should not provide samples of infant formula ‘to health care professionals except when necessary for the purpose of professional evaluation or research at the institutional level’.

IMPORTANT NOTICE Breast milk is best for babies and provides ideal nutrition. Good maternal nutrition is important for the preparation and maintenance of breastfeeding. Introducing partial bottle feeding could negatively affect breastfeeding and reversing a decision not to breastfeed is difficult. Professional advice should be followed on infant feeding. Infant formula should be prepared and used exactly as directed or it could pose a health hazard. The preparation requirements and weekly cost of providing infant formula until 12 months of age should be considered before making a decision to formula feed. Mothers should be encouraged to continue breastfeeding even when their infants have Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy. If a decision to use an infant formula for special dietary use is taken, it must be used under medical supervision.

ALFAMINO® is an infant formula product for special dietary use and must be used under medical supervision. It is not suitable for general use.